01642 332738
Whether you're looking to book a room, inquire about our events, or simply want to learn more about our community, we’re here to help!
We've put together a list of frequently asked questions, which you can find below, that will hopefully answer any queries you might have before booking with us.
You can also find further contact details below as well as an interactive map for finding the best way to travel to our Centre.
Not found what you're looking for? Feel free to contact us by phone or by filling out our online form.
Contact Us & Booking
Frequently Asked Questions.
Here you can find the answers to some of out most common questions. To see the answers to each question simply click the on the arrow icon.
What types of rooms are available for booking?
Why can I not find any opening hours for the Centre?
How do I check room availability and make a booking?
Do you hire rooms for Children's Parties?
Are there any restrictions on room usage?
What facilities are available on-site?
Is parking available at the community centre?
Are there options for catering, or can I bring my own food?
Is the centre accessible for people with disabilities?
What are the payment options and cancellation policy?
Can I host a recurring event at the centre?
How can I find out about upcoming events at Marton Community Centre?
Marton Community Centre, Cypress Road, Marton, Middlesbrough, TS7 8PZ
01642 332738